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Russel Blake's literary works Encourage, Uplifts, Inspires and Heals.


Proverbs 31: The Virtuous Black Woman Vol. 1

The strength of the idea is to communicate the precious and priceless value/existence of Black Women to the minds of Black Men, the rights to be treated with unwavering respect and dignity in the minds of Black Women and the seeds of reverence to be sown by virtue of changing perception one community at a time. "If one Black Woman is thought to be expendable, then every Black Woman's immeasurable value is now diminished in the eyes of the world..."

Click Here Now Available For Nook At Barnes & Noble

Real Men Don't Hit Women

12 Faith-Based Principles Of Effective Change Against Intimate Partner Violence


In this age of the #metoo movement, all abusers of women regardless of where they come from possess the same abyss of a moral aptitude. 


These fake men unknowingly create a clarion call for real men to stand up, speak up and lift up the truth in declaring sexual abuse and domestic violence to be intertwined, inseparable and unacceptable. My book teaches the spiritual principles of Power, Sacrifice, Confidence, Discipline, Integrity, Discernment, Faith, Gratitude, Understanding, Honor, Protection and Sharing. 


I educate men to the true nature, spiritual efficacy and Godly definition of these principles and when applied to daily living, changes a man’s perspective and perception towards himself and subsequently towards all women. 


This book also comes with a 70 page Christian based anger management counseling resource guide that I compiled featuring every state in the United States and throughout Canada. 


Christian men of all ethnicities, occupations and denominations who are struggling with anger management issues and seeking a biblically-based, plain-talk, self-help resource for positive behavioral change. 


The book contains 12 Chapters plus the Resource Guide completed and professionally edited. 


About The Author: As an Ordained Minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 1995, I have spoken to a diverse number of audiences from prison inmates to domestic violence relationship conferences. I have represented and/or worked with five domestic violence non-profits across in various positions from deputy director to spokesperson for Male-Driven Media. 






The Divinely Intelligent & Virtuously Anointed - aka D.I.V.A. Workshops presents an uplifting opportunity to discuss and gain insights of the virtuous woman from a man’s perspective.


The 6 point workshops topics are: 

1) Beautiful See, Beautiful Be 2) Essence of Dignity 

3) Turning Priceless Lessons into           Precious Blessings 

4) Moments Matter

5) Balance Behold 

6) Beautiful Promise 


These workshops/discussions are spiritually based, inspirationally stirring and ministered to revitalize.


Winner of two 2013 Billboard Spoken Word Awards: 


~ The Spoken Word Billboard          Choice Award


~ The Community Service Award




The R.E.A.L (Rising Eternally & Anointed Living) Men Workshops are presented as a Think-Tank therapeutic environment for men challenged with anger management/domestic abuse issues.


1) Develop a newfound sense of         empowerment absent of               violence.  


2) Daily use the principles to             provide spiritual guidance and       behavioral structure.


3) Learn to express feelings more       effectively creating a more             constructive and positive               interaction with his                       wife/intimate partner.  


Workshop Objectives:


Encourage adherence to a code of daily ethical behavior.


Promote radical behavioral change through gradual and committed practice.


Advocates the necessity of moral responsibility for the choices we make.

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